kocoler's latest replies

这个默认解析的是 浏览器标示的地址 应该没问题才对,我刚刚在新设备上测试过了,应该是可以解析成中文语言的 繁体中文应该是可以加,i18n 文件直接生成就 ok

手机端是这样的 如果后续版本有大规模的 UI 更新可能会改成这样,暂时没有这个想法 qwq

@crll 这种更细的教程,如果日后 bug 和新功能都加的差不多了可能会更一下吧 2333

我觉得可以在加一点如何保持版本更新的...... 因为这个版本更新还是蛮快的


确实有考虑富文本编辑器,但是目前这个 codemirror 做到这些效果也花了不少精力 2333 但是确实可以考虑换成 quill,过几个版本可能就改好了

阅读 Readme 应该差不多吧,请问是那个部分出现了问题呢?还是文档不够友好之类的

@yul212 这部分好像是并没有加好 qwq 下个版本加一下,最近版本更新还是挺快的

4 years ago
replied jiji 's topic Casbin 发图片测试

目前支持复制粘贴,拖拽两种方式,自动生成 md 格式文本

目前图片和附件是和阿里 OSS 结合的,其他 OSS 可以自行定制,在 go 的 service 文件夹内,函数简单,可替换



这个目前是百度的搜索,同时配置支持必应和谷歌 然后...... 暂时这个站点的内容还未被百度收录

@yul212 @yushu001 谢谢反馈,最近的版本会一起修复,顺带继续增加一些小功能~

Week7 (August 12 - August 18)

Last week:

  1. Add node moderators.
  2. Add email signup.
  3. Adapt to mobile.
  4. Improve some functions.

Fix many bugs.

Next week:

  1. Add node management.
  2. Improve backstage.

Find and Fix more bugs.

By the way, I will concentrate on my final exam for about a week(September 5), after that, I will continue to improve this forum as soon as possible.

Week6 (August 05 - August 11)

Last week:

  1. Improve some css.
  2. Add delete topic function.
  3. Add file libray.
  4. Add picture zoom preview.
  5. Add top topic.

Fix many bugs.

Next week:

  1. Improve top topic.
  2. Add balance related leaderboard.
  3. More functions related to phone.

Find and Fix more bugs.

Week5 (July 29 - August 04)

Last week:

  1. Improve update hot topic/node method.
  2. Add topic edit and review page.
  3. Add repy edit page.
  4. Enable mod members to manage the community more easily.
  5. Change member avatar storage method.
  6. Improve delete reply function.
  7. Add phone signup.
  8. Improve DB struct.
  9. Improve QQ login.
  10. Improve css.

Fix many bugs.

Next week:

  1. Add QQ login/signup method.
  2. Add top topic.
  3. Add balance related leaderboard.
  4. Add delete topic function.
  5. More functions related to phone.

Find and Fix more bugs.

Week4 (July 22-July 28)

Last week:

  1. Enable reminder function.
  2. Add balance page.
  3. Add plane page.
  4. Improve @ function.
  5. Add node navigation.
  6. Add online people and hightest online people.
  7. Add Google search.
  8. Add thanks function.
  9. Add daily checkin bonus.
  10. Add balance related functions.
  11. Member could delete his reply within 5 minutes.
  12. Add captcha.
  13. Add hottest and latest node.
  14. Add hot topic.

Fix many bugs, especially multiple requests caused by repeated rendering.

Next week:

  1. Add QQ login/signup method.
  2. Enable mod members to manage the community more easily.
  3. Start writing backstage system.
  4. Enable more functions, depends on demands.

Find and Fix more bugs.

4 years ago
replied alice 's topic 灌水 大新闻


Week3 (July 15-July 21)

Last week:

  1. Enable custom node style.
  2. Improve rightbar, including parent nodes.
  3. Fix post box bug.
  4. Update settings page style.
  5. Improve member box.
  6. Improve footer.
  7. Add upload avatar.
  8. Improve tab selection function.
  9. Improve some backstage api.
  10. Most of reminder function, I will finish it today.

Fix many bugs.

Next week:

  1. Finish reminder function.
  2. Improve @ function.
  3. Start writing backstage system.
  4. Enable more functions, depends on demands.

Find and Fix more bugs.

Week2 (July 8-July 14)

Last week:

  1. Improve the post/reply function so that it can support pasting/dragging and inserting pictures, using ali-oss.
  2. Enable internationalization, add Chinese and English language file.
  3. Add member 404 page.
  4. Fix some bugs.
  5. Most of custom node style, but when I use the same style, I get different text effects, I will solve this problem today.

Next week:

  1. Finish custom node style.
  2. Fix codemirror2 bug.
  3. Improve right bar.
  4. Enable Reminder function.
  5. Enable more functions, depends on demands.
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